2017年6月15日 星期四




1.        Odd one out 另類
Teacher say the vocabulary, students repeat.  Set a vocabulary as the key word.  If the word is been said, students must sit down.
單字教學後訓練學生聽力與反應。老師告知學生只要不是所設範圍內的單字,請起立。最慢的請再把單字念一遍!如已起立後換坐下, 交替省時!)
2.        Key hole
Cover part of the flash card(f/c), students try to make out what the f/c is.  Use same size cardboard and cut a hole in the middle so student can see part of the picture through the key hole.  The winner is the one who guess it right.
利用與字卡同大小的紙, 在上面留個洞口, 遮住字卡後只留一點點讓學生去看及猜測字卡內容。

Sentence pattern

1.        Shadows影子遊戲
Suitable for action words and sentences.  Teacher tell and do the movement, students are to follow.  Whenever teacher stopped, students must stop too. 


1.        Form the group
Teacher say a number and students must form a group.  Students squat to show they are done.  Eg.  T says “7”, students form a 7 people group with the people around them as soon as possible. 


1.        蘿蔔蹲 Calling
Practice drill.  With phonics prepare enough flash cards for the whole class. 
E.g.  B-B-B- [b][b][b] B to C.  Then student with c, then says C-C-C[k][k][k] C to D, etc, etc.


1.        Music chairs
Review song or chants.  Students get up and start walking around the room while sing the song.  Teacher say stop or stop the music, students must find a different seat.
2.        龍頭老大 
Used in greetings or sentence drills.  Teacher say start or start the music, once stopped, they must find someone and practice the greeting.  After that they do a paper-scissors-stone, the one looses must stay behind the winner.  The line will get longer and longer. 
Board games for any occasion
1.        Snake and ladder
2.        Car race (dice/magnet)
3.  Target shooting. (any shape with scoring regions/ sticky ball or paper ball)
*When doing activities try to avoid having students left out, so those didn’t achieve the goal in time, ask them to do something as penalty and they can rejoin the game.
*Welcomes any addition and comment!

